Live object detection and classification

Real time object detection through camera feed.

Python Jupyter Notebooks

WASM powered JupyterLab notebooks runninng in the browser

Machine learning algorithms

Algorithms implemented in Python running in browser

  • Genetic algorithm

    Prediction of suvivability of Titanic passengers determined by quaternion representation of individuals in genetic algorithm + monitoring of randomness by Hurst exponent.

Image Generation

Generate images with text prompts

Embeddings 3D

Visualize multi-dimensional word embeddings in 3D with t-SNE algorithm in Three.js

Bitcoin Websocket real-time price

Flask API with websocket to stream Bitcoin price


Open chatbot


  • RG

    Extract standardized data from identity card

  • CNH

    Extract standardized data from driver's license

Frontend frameworks

Subdomains deployed in various frontend frameworks

In development