Live object detection and classification
Real time object detection through camera feed.
Python Jupyter Notebooks
WASM powered JupyterLab notebooks runninng in the browser
Machine learning algorithms
Algorithms implemented in Python running in browser
Genetic algorithm
Prediction of suvivability of Titanic passengers determined by quaternion representation of individuals in genetic algorithm + monitoring of randomness by Hurst exponent.
Image Generation
Generate images with text prompts
Embeddings 3D
Visualize multi-dimensional word embeddings in 3D with t-SNE algorithm in Three.js
Bitcoin Websocket real-time price
Flask API with websocket to stream Bitcoin price
Open chatbot
Default chatbot with gpt-4
Trained chatbot (word embeddings)
Chatbot trained with content from a Notion page
In development
Expense receipt
Extract standardized data from expense receipt
Extract subtitle from video and transcribe audio
Subtitle generation
Generate subtitles from a video
Audio transcription
Transcribe audio from a voice recording
Resumé data extraction
Extract standard data from resumé
Machine learning algorithms
Algorithms implemented in Python running in browser
Statistical fraud detection with Newcomb-Benford's law
Detection of accounting anomalies applying a dataset to a Chi-Squared test to Newcomb-Benford's law expected values
Support 'scalar' machine
Algorithmic separation of a datasets into smaller subsets using Fisher's Linear Discriminant
Bigdata Dendrogram
Hierarchical clustering of n-dimensional dataset by measuring euclidian cophenetic distance between attributes
MacQueen's K-meanS clustering
Unsupervised learning algorith to partition n-dataset in k clusters by minimizing mean intra-cluster distance between points
Mahalanobis Classifier
Big data classification algorithm using Mahalanobis distance to determine the probability of a point belonging to a class